Be Sure to Daydream

Kasey Randall
2 min readSep 8, 2016


I think daydreaming is important to maintain a healthy, creative brain. It’s important because it helps you visualize the future, your wants and passions. I’m a UI/UX Designer. I sit behind an iMac all day. I know what it’s like to get bogged down or defeated. Daydreaming can lift the heaviest of spirits. Take a moment to break away. Think positively about your life and your future. Sometimes that can be hard. Try to take a moment to disconnect from the physical world.

I’m not saying to day dream at work or at your desk all day or during a hard deadline. What I’m saying is when you get a moment to yourself in the shower or laying awake at night staring at the ceiling, visualize what you want, where you want to be and who you want to be with. Any of those individually will do as well.

Try not to visualize actual impossibilities such as, i.e. riding a bucking unicorn with wings across a rainbow bridge while telling your boss to go fuck himself (or herself). Don’t do that. Try to fantasize about possibilities within reach; short term or long term.

The secret is the law of attraction. You want it? Work hard and keep visualizing it. Stay positive and life may surprise you.

Oh and tell yourself you’re awesome everyday. Because you are.

That’s as simple as it gets.

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram @toastycheesitz

